
目前分類:公益宣傳 (12)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


  1. 最佳劇情片:《爸媽不在家》
  2. 最佳男主角:李康生《郊遊》
  3. 最佳女主角:章子怡《一代宗師》
  4. 最佳導演:蔡明亮《郊遊》
  5. 最佳新演員:郭書瑤《志氣》
  6. 最佳新導演:陳哲藝《爸媽不在家》
  7. 最佳女配角:楊雁雁《爸媽不在家》
  8. 最佳男配角:李雪健《一九四二》
  9. 年度台灣傑出電影工作者:葉如芬
  10. 最佳紀錄片:《看見台灣》
  11. 最佳原著劇本:陳哲藝《爸媽不在家》
  12. 最佳改編劇本:李檣《致我們終將逝去的青春》
  13. 最佳音效:杜篤之、郭禮杞《失魂》
  14. 最佳剪輯:Matthieu Laclau、林旭東《天注定》
  15. 最佳造型設計:張叔平《一代宗師》
  16. 最佳美術設計:張叔平、邱偉明《一代宗師》
  17. 最佳創作短片:酥油燈 (AMA Productions)
  18. 最佳攝影:Philippe Le Sourd 《一代宗師》
  19. 最佳視覺設計:PIERRE BUFFIN (BUF COMPANY) 《一代宗師》
  20. 最佳動作設計:成龍、何鈞、成家班《十二生肖》
  21. 最佳原創電影音樂:林強《天注定》
  22. 最佳原創電影歌曲:I Love You《一首搖滾上月球》
  23. 終身成就獎:甄珍




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This is Nick Vujicic's album.


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An open letter to International media & communities about the death of Corporal Hung (Updated Version)

Dear international medias,  

As a citizen of Taiwan (Republic of China, R.O.C.), I am here desperately to tell you an ongoing tragedy that occurred recently and I hope to seek support from the international voices. 

It all started several weeks ago, an unfortunate incident happened in the Taiwanese Army. Corporal Hung, three days before discharge from his obligatory military services, was found dead due to sunstroke that led to multiple organ failure and DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation). Initially, the military prosecutor general claimed to the family and the public that Corporal Hung's death was solely an unfortunate accident. However, the family could not accept the response thus initiated their own investigations and seek help from public lawyers in order to find out the truth. With the assistance from the mass media and insiders' leaks from the Taiwanese Army, the so called accident turned out to be a collective crime. 

The outburst of the scandal infuriated the Taiwanese public, which demanded the government and the Taiwanese Army to seriously investigate the case and reveal the truth. However, responses and reports from the military prosecutor general were extremely flawed and absurd which indeed did not convince the angry family and public at all. Despite the repeated questionings from the people and the media, the military authority was beating around the bush and attempted to divert the accusations by defaming the already dead corporal. 

Hence, on August 3rd, 2013, GMT+8 18:00, the angry public that desired the truth will walk on the streets. A protest demonstration will be held against the injustice towards the Taiwanese Army and the government that covers up the military scandals. We will hope to have our voice heard by the world; in addition, we anticipate that there will be more than a hundred thousand Taiwanese joining this demonstration. This would be one of the largest protest demonstrations in the recent years in Taiwan. 

Please broadcast this demonstration if you are from the media. Please share this to your group if you belong to a community. I am ashamed to admit that the president and government we have elected ignore the people's voice. However, our president, Mr. Ma, cares about the international reputation over the Taiwanese public will. Thus, if you are willing to help us share this tragedy and to help us apply the pressure on our government, you are helping the Taiwanese to bring justice and truth back to Taiwan. 

If you are willing to help us, I here represent the Taiwanese people to express our gratitude and appreciation. 


Taiwan Citizen. 

An open letter to International media & communities about the death of Corporal Hung (Original Version)

Dear friends

I am a citizen of Taiwan, ROC, and I am here to tell you a true tragedy happened in Taiwan and seek the support from you.

Long story short. Several weeks ago, an unfortunate accident / murder happened in our Taiwan Army. Corporal Hung, days before finishing his military service, was found dead in his confinement. In the beginning, the authority in Army told his family that it was just an unfortunate accident, and nothing was found wrong during the investigation process. However, the family could not accept the answer and started their own process to try to find the truth. With the help of the media and some leaking from the Army, the good people in Taiwan found out it was not an accident. It might be too quickly to call it a murder yet, but many signs showed it was.

Knowing this, people in Taiwan quickly started to ask the government and the Army to seriously investigate in this case. However, the reports from the military prosecutor were full of flaws and not able to convince the family and people. Even when all the people and the media in Taiwan questioned the government and the Army again and again, the official response from the authority was still "it was a fault of junior level officers in the Army, unintentionally".

So, at 8/3/2013, GMT+8 18:00, the good people in Taiwan will take this to the street. We will have a protest demonstration against the injustice showed in this case. We will have our voice heard by the world. We expect there will be more than 100 thousands Taiwanese to join us. It is going to be one of the biggest protest in the last couple years in Taiwan.

Please report this demonstration if you are a media. Please share this to your group if you are a commnuity. While our elected government ( I shamely admited) generally ignores its own people's voice, our president, Mr. Ma, cares about his international reputation a lot. So if you help us to share it and report it, our government will feel the heat. You are helping us to bring justice back to Taiwan.

If you are willing to help, I here represent all the good people in Taiwan, to say "Thank you".


from a citizen in Taiwan

Please share it !!!




在得知這樣的狀況後,台灣的良善人民很快就要求政府與陸軍方面認真的調查這個案件。然而,從軍事檢察官來的起訴書裡,充滿了各式衝突的瑕疵,無法讓洪家與關心此事的人民信服。但即使在人民與媒體的持續質疑下,來自官方的官方說法仍是 "這只是下級軍士官的意外錯誤,並非蓄意謀殺"。

所以,在 2013 年 8 月 3 號, GMT +8 時區下午六點,台灣的人民,將會把這個訴求帶到街上。我們將會針對這個案件的不公不義,進行抗議示威遊行。我們要讓我們的聲音,讓全世界聽見。我們預計將會有超過十萬人以上加入我們的行列,這將是台灣近年來最大的示威抗議之一。









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 一、 有公權力的人或機關應謹慎並遵守制度
二、 「審判權」應優先遵守
三、 由軍、司法機關全力分工合作偵辦,能達到「第三方」調查之目的
四、 最高法院檢察署特別偵查組不能逾越審判權範圍


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永遠的福樂 詞:選自詩篇第16篇 曲:耶路


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